Every human is born as the CEO of their own body.


The fundamental reality that often escapes our notice is this: every human being is born with trillions of dedicated workers (cells) operating in various departments (organs) to ensure our health, success, and happiness. Each organ manages a critical department, tirelessly working to sustain our well-being. It's essential that we reciprocate this care and ensure their well-being in return.

The heart oversees the critical operations department, ensuring every other department receives sufficient fuel, while the brain manages all other facets of our body like an organization's various departments handled by line managers.

In both our bodies and organizations, key factors like happiness, motivation, environment, culture, and respect play pivotal roles. Neglecting these internal faculties (organs) can affect the performance of individual workers (cells), echoing the corporate maxim, "people leave managers, not companies." When our cells cease to function for our well-being, the entire ecosystem suffers irreparably.

Why do we take our bodies for granted? Unlike founders who are deeply invested in their companies due to passion and sacrifices, we often fail to appreciate the immense effort behind our bodies' formation. We've been entrusted with the CEO role of our bodies by a higher power, but are we fulfilling it properly?

Reflecting on this perspective can alleviate many current human challenges. Start by consciously appreciating life's little joys and ensuring the well-being of our internal faculties. When we prioritize this, every cell in our body works harmoniously towards our happiness.

In closing, consider this quote: "Every human sacrifices health in pursuit of wealth and fame, only to spend it later in pursuit of health again."

Stay safe, stay happy!



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